The Victorian government has mandated that areas in Stage 4 can only operate if they are a permitted work premises and have a CovidSafe Plan in place.
Regional Victoria, such as Geelong is currently in Stage 3 ” Stay at Home” restrictions. It is recommended that a COVIDSafe Plan be implemented for permitted work premises.
To minimise risk to your staff and clientele, we highly recommend implementing at the very minimum a new cleaning schedule.
The COVIDSafe plan sets out:
- Actions to help prevent introduction of Covid-19 to your workplace
- How to prepare for and respond to a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 in the workplace
- The required level of PPE (personal protective equipment) needed
- Demonstrate how you meet all requirements set out by the Victorian Government.
Cleaning Requirements Non Health Care
The Victorian Government defines cleaning as follows :
(extract Vic Gov March 2020)
- Cleaning means physically removing germs, dirt and organic matter from surfaces. Cleaning alone does not kill germs, but by reducing the numbers of germs on surfaces, cleaning helps to reduce the risk of spreading infection.
- Disinfection means using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs that remain on surfaces after cleaning, disinfection further reduces the risk of spreading infection. Cleaning before disinfection is very important as organic matter and dirt can reduce the ability of disinfectants to kill germs.
How we can help you.
- Deep cleaning services prior to your workplace reopening (clean and disinfect)
- Deep cleaning services after a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case has been reported in your workplace
- Routine daily cleans to the required standard
- Use of the appropriate cleaning products and disinfectants
- Steam cleaning of soft furnishings and curtains
- You don’t need to worry about the appropriate PPE for cleaning as our staff will come fully prepared.
- Other cleaning services such as windows, ovens etc
Why use a professional commercial cleaner?
- Our staff are fully trained and vetted
- We have the appropriate PPE for all staff
- We are licensed to provide cleaning staff
- Our equipment is all commercial grade
- You don’t expose your staff to chemicals and cleaning agents
- Your staff can spend their time doing the work you need them do to
You can learn more here